Decorated Skull for Dia De Los Muertos
Hot Coffee Cup Illustration



death, dying and end of life education...with tea!

At mortaliTEA we empower you to...

  • get comfy with the fact that one day you will die
  • be curious about death and dying
  • organise yourself and create your death plan
  • chat to your loved ones
  • ...drink tea!
Cartoon Skeleton Pointing Sign


motaliTEA has been born out of one woman's passion to see people (living and dead) liberated from the constrictions that our society has over the way we interact with our dead. Frustrated by the way people thought about death, Lisa-Jayne decided to begin breaking down the barriers to conversations, busting the myths that surround funeral practices, finding out what exactly the law does and doesn't have to say, learning from other cultures, and just generally hanging around with the dead to see what they might have to teach us, the living.

"People feel unable to ask questions" says Lisa-Jayne, "In the UK we've grown up in a culture where we don't talk much about death and dying, and if we do we are branded morbid, weird or a bit of a goth. I'm here to tell you that you are none of those things (well you might be a bit of a goth I suppose, but you are definitely not weird or morbid) you are a naturally curious human, and by asking the questions now, you are setting yourself up for the best possible death you can have."

There is no shying away from anything at mortaliTEA, if you've got a question, they'll be an answer to it and if we don't know it, we'll point you in the right direction or we'll jolly well go and find out.


in your communiTEA!

If you'd like a speaker for an event, look no further than mortaliTEA. We create an interesting and engaging presentation for your event that will get the discussions going and give folks a road map for how to get their ducks in a row when it comes to things like Wills, LPAs, Funeral Planning, Eco-death, and Swedish death cleaning (no, really!)

Tell us about your event and we'll make it FABulous!

Photo Film Frame



Lisa-Jayne lead two mortaliTEA sessions at Greenbelt, she also took part in a panel discussion which is available to buy as part of the seminars stream from greenbelt’s website - click the Greenbelt logo for more:

mortaliTEA's very own events and where you can see us in the wild (or online)!

mortaiTEA NEW YEAR WILL WRITING SPECIAL (Online) - Friday 12th January 2024 Click to find out more and sign up:

coming soon

available now


a complete and guide book of death and end-of-life stuff... with ducks (and the occasional swan!)

Everrything from Will writing, care planning, advanced directives, funerals, body disposition, home funerals, and a load more; your one-stop shop for getting organised and living your life in all its fullness.

Dancing Skeleton Silhouette


we'd like to think this is self explanatory, but just in case...

A downloadable resource for anyone questioning the nuances of what it means to be LGBTIQ+ in end-of-life care and death care. How to protect your identity and that of others when thinking about death.

resource hub

To access any of these resources simply click on the text. A new window will open (Google Drive) and from there you'll be able to download and/or print any of the documents. More resources are coming, let us know if there is anything you would like more information about, it maybe one we’re planning or you may have just inspired us to create something new!

mortaliTEA Resource Hub: All rights reserved. Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying or re-recording will constitute an infringement of copyright. Permission granted to reproduce for personal and educational use only. Commercial copying, hiring, lending is prohibited. May be used free of charge. Selling without prior written consent prohibited. Obtain permission before redistributing. In all cases this notice must remain intact.

what about the TEA?

we are called mortliTEA so surely there is tea involved?

Well yes, there is, we believe that there is no better way to have conversations with our loved ones about what might seem difficult subjects than over tea.

rest assured, also, if you come to any of our events, we will be sure to have the kettle on!

Notebook Icon Image

lisa-jayne's TEA picks...

  • earl grey
  • camomile and honey
  • some weird Armenian blend stuff that she had in a cafe in Yerevan!

Halloween skeletons. Dancing skeletons, spooky halloween
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